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Modern system which really helps !

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IntisTele - massive program which can find solution for many issues. This mechanism helps to send SMS easily.

Main part

According to the quick pulse of our life and especially willing to gain time - a vast majority of people choose bulk texting as long as this kind is the fastest and the most useful for busy people. This simple and well-known system is created to make people to achieve their aims.

Pros and Cons

Using bulk texting has a lot of strengths. For example:

Automatic system. It means that there is no need to accomplish various actions for transferring message. Give the assignment, and your recipients will get message.

Easy in usage. Your task is to sign up and replenish the balance. Now you are able to write a assignment or spread the important offers.

The mean time of message distribution is from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (in case area you are located has network coverage).

Department Solutions

SMS software is a great solution for marketers. Bulk texting system is a profitable mechanism for reaching each marketing goals. For instance:

Clear automation and optimization of campaigns` schedules. You will not forget the fellows` birthday with this SMS program.

Gaining of statistics owing to message campaigns.

SMS could become an inherent part of the department`s everyday routine. This software  is ready to help:

In importing data to XLS or CSV just with one click.

Software engineers are able to integrate IntisTele API gateway.

Owing to this innovation it is possible to send a lot of  SMS, send HRL requests.

Unlimited testing access to IntisTele SMS software allows debugging your exclusive software solutions.

It is easy to start with IntisTele SDK for Java.

Intis Telecommunication plugins and widgets were created for smoothing integration of most major CMS (WordPress).

Bulk texting commands are helpful for sysadmins as long as they can make distant administration and server management.

SMS software is instantly updating on the concrete server infrastructure performance.

Business owners also can arrange the employees' workflow because of the bulk texting program. Intis Telecommunication service is available for all. On the website it is possible to get acquainted recognizable web interface, variant of payment action that will match every pocket and a very captivating affiliate program. Thankfully to SMS software:

It is possible to receive simple access to in-system operations. Two elements that are needed for using SMS system are the Internet and browser.

Users are welcome to use PayPal while working with this operating system..

Everybody will be happy by the speed of message delivery.

Industries and SMS solutions

The bulk texting system solution is perfect choice for entertainment services. Bulk texting system can help to solve a issues of different spheres in various industries.

It is a excellent solution for chain stores. With bulk texting service there is an opportunity to install notifications about offers.

This software considered to be the best solution advance travel and transport actions and make people enjoy the best experience in the time of thr journeys.

Bulk texting is a decision for startups and IT. This integration is vital for SaaS.

Message alert for providing safety. It could be applied for satellite tracking.

SMS software prices

It is convenient to refill the balance and settle the sum of money which you are ready to contribute. Intis Telecommunication can offer varied approached to top up the balance. For example, Paypal.


If you have any additional questions about the system and the principles of working process, do not wait to attend IntisTele FAQ.

Perfect SMS:guidelines

Write brief and clear . One of the least unfavorable things you could figure out for your SMS mail-out is oversaturation.

The plenty of text in your bulk text could make the customer ignore it sooner than view. The compact belk text is fundamental to high conversions.

SMS system conclusions

To send bulk texting about services could turn into the best solution for your business. It will increase your profit. Because of this messages are widely spread among retailers.

Information sources: https://www.intistele.com/



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